The HT1621S is a 128 pattern (32×4), memory mapping, and multi-function LCD driver. The S/W configuration feature of the HT1621S makes it suitable for multiple LCD applications including LCD modules and display subsystems. Only three or four lines are required for the interface between the host controller and the HT1621S. The HT1621S contains a power down command to reduce power consumption.
• Operating voltage: 2.4V~5.5V
• Built-in 32kHz RC oscillator
• External 32.768kHz crystal or 256kHz frequency source inputt
• Selection of 1/2 or 1/3 bias, and selection of 1/2 or 1/3 or 1/4 duty LCD applications
• Internal time base frequency sources
• Two selectable buzzer frequencies (2kHz/4kHz)
• Power down command reduces power consumption
• Built-in time base generator and WDT
• Time base or WDT overflow output
• 8 kinds of time base/WDT clock sources
• 32×4 LCD driver
• Built-in 32×4 bit display RAM
• 3-wire serial interface
• Internal LCD driving frequency source
• Software configuration feature
• Data mode and command mode instructions
• R/W address auto increment
• Three data accessing modes
• VLCD pin for adjusting LCD operating voltage
• Package types
♦ HT1621S: 44-pin LQFP and 48-pin SSOP/LQFP
♦ HT1621SG: Gold bumped chip
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